Arcosanti is a dynamic place with a long history of hosting cultural and educational events, including: outdoor theater and music concerts; dance performances; culinary events and dinners; lectures and symposiums; hands-on workshops and classes; art-making experiences; and more! Each event is enriched by Arcosanti’s unique architecture and the stunning backdrop of the desert. Experience the arcology at one of our upcoming events at Arcosanti!
April 2025
April 19, 2025
Location: Arcosanti
13555 S Cross L Road
Mayer, AZ 86333
Darkosanti is a one-day immersive BIPOC music festival held in the heart of Arizona within the urban laboratory of Arcosanti. Darkosanti showcases established and emerging artists within the Arizona music scene spanning the genres of RnB, Jazz, Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Folk, and Soul.
Festival goers will experience music sets from 5pm-11pm in the Arcosanti Amphitheater.
Darkosanti’s headliner, @earthsurfacepeople, will be debuting their sophomore album, “Yáágo Dootlizh.”
The night continues from 12am-2am with a final DJ set at The Octagon (DJ to be announced).
Festival attendees will be greeted by the beauty of the architecture of Arcosanti with food and beverage sold by indigenous-owned SkodenCoffee and Diné/Honduran fusion newcomer Anda’s Kitchen.
Music lineup:
@primesoc, @ang__sirena, @paoafrobeat, @earthsurfacepeople, @niggapasta, @uptown_sundown, @ajodneal
Camping/lodging options available and limited
The Cosanti Foundation Alumni Reunion
April 25-27, 2025
Location: Arcosanti
13555 S Cross L Road
Mayer, AZ 86333
We have created a unique opportunity for our alumni community by aligning the Cosanti Foundation Annual Board meeting with the 2025 Alumni Reunion. The event weekend will include:
- Italian Night by Alumni with Chef Ali Sadiqi
- Mission immersion and discussions led by our CEO David Turnbull & Board Chair Nicole Ackerina
- Performances and events in the amphitheater hosted by alumni and current community members, as well as Earth Surface People and MeTV
- A group restoration project of the yurt, led by alumni and the original designer and construction lead, Clay Johnson
- Dinky Links Tournament hosted by alumni Richard Johnson & Dr. Sparks
- Rental accommodation will be available
- Contact Lance Cope at for all questions
Past Events 2025
Arizona Trolley Dances | The Movement Source Dance Company
Sat, Feb 1 at 5:00 PM to Sun, Feb 2 at 2:00 PM
Location: Cosanti
6433 E Doubletree Ranch Rd, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
This entertaining tour begins at the historic Cosanti Studios, moves to the “Industrial Pipe Wave” Scottsdale Public Art site, then on to the creative spaces at Cattle Track Arts Compound. Experience new site-specific dance performances, view local visual art, and enjoy live music at the end by the Dusty Ramblers!
Luca Ciarla North & Central American Tour
February 1, 2025
Location: Arcosanti
13555 S Cross L Road
Mayer, AZ 86333

Arcosanti + AI
February 8, 2025
Location: Arcosanti
13555 S Cross L Road
Mayer, AZ 86333
We are starting a series of weekend events under the rubric: Arcosanti / School of Thought. This was a feature of Arcosanti life when Paolo Soleri was alive, along with Minds Conferences, Festivals of Minds, and seminars with guest speakers in a range of formats.
These will be modest to start with, starting with a Saturday (Feb 8) afternoon (2:00 – 5:00 MST) on Arcology + AI, in person in the Red Room at Arcosanti and via zoom, moderated by David Turnbull, the Executive Director of the Cosanti Foundation. Speakers at this early February event will include Arcosanti alumni, Langdon Morris, currently working on AI mobilisation in Indonesia, author, with Farah Naz: ‘Net Zero City’ (2021), and Matteo di Michele, author ‘Intelligenza artificiale: Etica, rischi e opportunità di una tecnologia rivoluzionaria’ (2023), with Beau Dromiack, ASU, author: ‘Super-Architect: The Future of Architecture’ (2025), Alessandro Melis, NYIT, author: ‘ZombieCity: Strategie urbane di sopravvivenza agli zombie e alla crisi climatica’ (2020), and Surjan, Super School, Chicago:
Future events will include a year-long series on The Psychedelic Imagination & Ecological Consciousness, drawing on the experience of Arcosanti Alumni from the 1970s, and friends, looking into the future.
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