Press Room

Even before the first spade of soil was overturned at Arcosanti, there was interest from journalists all over the world seeking to learn more about this important project that has continued to attract architects, scholars, urban planners, and people curious about an alternate way of living that seeks to bring people closer to each other and to nature.
A Media Kit with comprehensive information and the latest news releases about The Cosanti Foundation’s late founder Paolo Soleri, and Arcosanti, and Cosanti – the two culturally and historically significant sites he designed – can be downloaded here.
Additionally, a selection of current and historic imagery and images credits can be downloaded here. Use of any photographic assets in digital or print form must be accompanied by the image credits indicated and the line, “Courtesy The Cosanti Foundation.”
If you are a member of the press of media and need additional information, including scheduling an interview or visiting Arcosanti, please contact

Photo Library Kits
Daytime Arcosanti
DownloadArcosanti at Night
DownloadHistorical Arcosanti
DownloadThe Colly Soleri Amphitheater
DownloadCosanti Present
DownloadCosanti Historical
DownloadPaolo Soleri
DownloadHandmade Windbells
DownloadMedia Photography Policies
- Credentialed members of the media may direct their inquiries to for more information concerning use of the photographic assets available here, or to coordinate photography of the architecture, public events, people activities taking place at Arcosanti and/or Cosanti.
- Use of the images provided here for any use other than that of journalistic intention is strictly prohibited. Photography of any kind may not be used for publication, print, broadcast, or digital, without written permission; media wishing to use these images should notify the marketing and Communications Department of The Cosanti Foundation at
- Representatives of recognized media must present identification to a marketing/public relations department representative in order to receive a credential to cover events happening at Arcosanti or Cosanti. Freelancers must present to the marketing/public relations department a letter from his or her recognized-media client(s) showing he or she is covering a Cosanti Foundation event as their contractor.
Commercial Photography Policies
- Commercial photography is prohibited unless prior arrangements (including site use compensation) have been made with The Cosanti Foundation. Inquiries about photoshoots, filmmaking on-site, drone-filming, etc. should be directed to
Drone Photography Policy
- Unauthorized UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) drone flight on or above Arcosanti property is prohibited without prior authorization, proof of pilot licensure, insurance, and a completed, signed, and submitted Drone Photography form.
- Arcosanti reserves the right to deter or remove from the air unidentified UAVs or those authorized UAVs that are flying in violation of the terms of their application and signed agreement with Arcosanti. To inquire about Drone Photography at Arcosanti and/or to request an application to fly a UAV on or above Arcosanti, please contact
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